Tuesday, 13 November 2018


Stay calm ~ The decision in parliament is essential!

Since the British Referendum was held in June 2016 the word BrExit has been used and abused with astonishing frequency.

The Meaningful vote in Parliament?
Editor's note dated 26 Nov 2018
Parliament are scheduled to debate the issues. Mrs Theresa May attempted a single handed election campaign in June 2017 and the British Electorate did not give a decisive verdict. The House of Commons has the authority to act in the National Interest.

Labour wants a General Election

The verdict delivered in June 2017 was inconclusive and there is a real risk that neither the Conservatives or Labour will be given enough seats to govern.

The Peoples Vote is pushing for
Another Referendum?

If the politicians introduce another binary question, they might as well shoot themselves (and us for that matter) in the foot.

 ☆   Remember the silent minority  ☆